From The Desk Of Patricia

7 Keys to Harnessing Your Greatness

We all tend to admire great people who have shaped the way the world is through their personal courage like Gandhi, or Nelson Mandela. Compared with these giant leaders of mankind, our lives can seem insignificant. But the truth is that greatness resides within all of us. 

Here are a few ways to bring out the Greatness in You:

Believe Your Life and Your Dream Matters. Greatness doesn’t mean that you need to do huge things. It means that whatever you do, you do it with your whole heart. 

Understand You are the Only Person Who Can Stop You. It doesn’t matter what others believe – it only matters what you believe. 

Focus on Impact Instead of Outcome. Small acts of kindness have huge ripple effects. When you focus on the positive impact you can make on others and the good you can do in the world, instead of focusing on just trying to be “successful”, success becomes inevitable. You are compensated in life according to the impact you generate.

Let Yourself Be Pulled by Your Purpose and Passion. Passion and purpose are the secret weapons that uncover your greatness. It’s the “why” that keeps you going and helps you to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

Live in a Spirit of Gratefulness. Sometimes its easy to focus on the challenges and instead of what is going really well in life. When you put your attention on all you have to be grateful for – no matter how small or insignificant – you literally change your energy and will start to attract more and more great things into every area of your life.

Stay Calm and Keep Going. When setbacks and hardships come along, don’t get rattled. Create a plan and instead of getting upset, adjust your course.

Get Back Up. Look at how often toddlers fall over when they learn to walk. Making mistakes can actually allow learning to take place. Look at falling as feedback, not failure. Each time you fall, there is new insight to gain, which will bring you one step closer to your goal. 

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